
Water Safety for Dogs

Water Safety for Dogs
It is not unusual for people to take their dogs to pools, beaches or out on boats and never think twice about their dogs safety. It is vital that your dog be protected near water. Even if he knows how to swim there are several steps you can take to make sure his time, and your time, at the beach or pool is enjoyable.

Can Dogs Have Narcolepsy?

Can Dogs Have Narcolepsy?
Have you ever looked at your dog sleeping and envy how easily he nods off? Most people have some periodic difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Narcolepsy represents a disorder that produces just the opposite condition. And it affects dogs as well as humans! Learn what causes narcolepsy in dogs and what treatments are available.

Sudden Death in Dogs

Sudden Death in Dogs
The tragic unexpected loss of a dog is always painful. Most of us don’t think of our dogs suddenly dying with no warning, but it does occur. Understanding what happened and how it happened are a significant part of closure to our loss.