Protect Your Pet From The Sun!
Most dogs and cats have hair that protects them from sun damage. However, hairless cat and dog breeds, like the Sphynx and Mexican Hairless dog, respectively, are highly susceptible to sunburns and skin cancer.
Picking the perfect dog can be a challenge, Dr. Ruth MacPete has you covered with this list of questions to ask before welcoming a new pooch into your family. from Dr. MacPete, find her on Facebook or at!
Dog bites happen. Fortunately, Dr. Sophia Yin knows what to do to fend off or prevent dog bites. For more from Dr. Yin, find her on Facebook or at!
Losing a pet is hard. Just like many of you, Dr. Ruth MacPete has been there. Read on to hear her story and find some great resources to help you cope with the loss of a beloved pet. For more from Dr. MacPete, find her on Facebook or at!