
The American Bobtail


This curious cat is a leaf on the domestic feline’s family tree. The American bobtail got his name from his unusually stubby, “bobbed” tail: which was the result of a genetic mutation that affects tail growth.

The Burmilla

The Burmilla is an extremely independent cat who cherishes his owner and is sociable, playful, affectionate, and acts very kitten-like for much of his life.

The Smiling Chartreux


The Chartreux descends from France and is not recognized by the GCCF in the UK because it is too similar to a blue/grey coated British shorthair.

Despite being a rare breed, the Chartreux is mentioned and represented in many forms of art. In 1558, it is referenced in a poem entitled Vers Français sur la mort d’un petit chat by Joachim du Bellay. It’s also depicted in 1747 by Jean-Baptiste Perronneau, who painted the Magdaleine Pinceloup de la Grange.