
Pica: Why Do Dogs Eat Strange Things? Dog Behavior
Pica: Why Do Dogs Eat Strange Things?
Does your dog ever eat strange things? Pica and Coprophagia are explained in this article.
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5 Reasons Why Pet Obesity is a Big Deal Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
5 Reasons Why Pet Obesity is a Big Deal
Over half of U.S. dogs and cats are considered obese. Pet obesity can reduce life expectancy and cause arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.
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Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
What are Hookworms and Why Should I Care?
These creepy worms can literally crawl under your skin. Find out how to prevent hookworms.
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EPI: Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs and Cats Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
EPI: Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs and Cats
This disorder can cause even well-fed pets to starve. Learn the symptoms and diagnosis of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency.
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What is Whipworm and Why Should I Care? Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
What is Whipworm and Why Should I Care?
This parasite's larvae stage can survive on the ground for years. Learn the symptoms of whipworm and how to prevent it.
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Intussusception and Internal Parasites Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Intussusception and Internal Parasites
This rare but potentially deadly condition can disguise itself. See how Firefly was nearly killed by intussusception.
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Dog and Cat Anesthesia Myths Dog Surgery A-Z
Dog and Cat Anesthesia Myths Part 1
The real dangers of pet surgery are often overlooked. These are the facts about Anesthesia.
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Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Broken Teeth in Dogs and Cats
Dogs can break teeth easier than you might think. Learn they symptoms of tooth fracture and how to prevent it.
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Why Does My Veterinarian Want a Poop Sample? Dog Checkups & Preventive Care
Why Does My Veterinarian Want a Poop Sample?
This routine dog testing is very simple and can reveal so much. Find out why veterinarians ask for stool samples so often.
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Intestinal Parasites in Dogs Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Intestinal Parasites in Dogs
You might know what parasites attach to the outside of your dog. What about the inside?
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