Dog Health

Beware the Bug: Parasite Prevention and Screening for Dogs Dog Health
Parasite Prevention and Screening for Dogs 101

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Dog Orthodontics (Malocclusions) Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Dog Orthodontics (Malocclusions)
Dogs, like people, can suffer from jaw problems that make it impossible to chew. There are 3 types of malocclusions and you can learn about them all here.
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Summer Tips for Protecting Your Dog from Lyme Disease Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Summer Tips for Protecting Your Dog from Lyme Disease
A female tick lays approximately 2000 eggs! Repel them with summer tick tips!
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Can Ice Water Cause A Hot Dog to Bloat? Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Can Ice Water Cause A Hot Dog to Bloat?
Can giving ice water to a hot dog cause bloat? See why you're encouraged to be skeptical of headlines that claim it will.
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Oral Papilloma Virus in Dogs Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Oral Papilloma Virus in Dogs
what do warts mean on a new puppy? While puppies have no initial defense against papilloma virus, they may grow out of it.
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Is Whooping Cough the Same as Kennel Cough? Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Is Whooping Cough the Same as Kennel Cough?
You may have seen whooping cough in the news, is it the same as kennel cough? Learn the differences between two very contagious diseases.
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Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
Congestive heart failure can be inherited or acquired. Either way there is no cure, but treatment can prolong life and keep your dog comfortable.
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Why do Dogs Eat Grass? Dog Behavior
Why do Dogs Eat Grass?
The mystery of why dogs eat grass. If you've seen your dog do it, you're not alone.
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7 Reasons Why Dog Obesity is Dangerous Dog Diet & Nutrition
7 Reasons Why Dog Obesity is Dangerous
Help us combat dog obesity. While often overlooked, overweight dogs don't have the quality or quantity of life they deserve.
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Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease in Dogs Dog Diseases & Conditions A-Z
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease in Dogs
A limp in your dog may mean part of his pelvis has degenerated. Don't panic, surgery can help solve the problem.
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