This Week’s Top 7 Cutest (and Strangest) Viral Pet Videos

Everyone loves cute videos of pets. They make us smile, laugh and sometimes even cry! A funny pet video can make our day, so we decided to take a look at what went viral in the YouTube world this week!

1. Adorable puppy head shake
The Alaskan Malamute puppy doesn’t even look real, he’s so cute!

Video posted by Stephanie Dean.

2. How horses go to bed
Rumba takes his bedtime very seriously as he makes sure he tucks himself in just right.

Video posted by Georgia Bruce.

3. It's time to wake up!
If you have a cat, you already know. If you don’t, you’ll now know…

Video posted by Sho Ko.

4. Let me tell ya ‘bout my best friend
Ruggles, a Shih Tzu puppy was rescued from a puppy mill. Chompers, the tiny kitten was found under a porch. The two became fast friends! If you ever find a stray kitten, here are some tips about how to help >>

Video posted by Victoria Stilwell.

5. Hiccups? More like hicpups!
Buck, the 8-year-old puppy experiences hiccups for the first time and it couldn’t be cuter.

Video posted by Matthew Kennelly.

6. Will you be my mother?
An orphaned puppy is happily adopted by a cat that just had her own kittens. That’s one big happy family!

Video posted by BBC.

7. Turn dinner time into game time
Bella, the Belgian Malinois, has a tendency to eat too fast so her pet parent built this great game that allows her to eat, play and learn all at the same time!

Video by Eveline Poot.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian -- they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.