Meet the Real Life "Lassie"

A stray dog helped save 10 small puppies and their mother from cold temperatures at a park in south Dallas, reported Kennedy Ryan of KTLA5 News. Animal rescuers, Marina Tarashevsce and John Miller showed up at the park and heard relentless barking from a familiar face. A stray male dog that has been avoiding the rescuers for weeks was now clearly trying to get their attention. Afraid that the dog may be sick, Tarashevsce and Miller followed the persistent pup as his barking lead them to a heavily wooded area in the park.

As the two went deeper and deeper into the woods they began to hear the sounds of puppies crying. 10 shivering puppies and their exhausted mother were quivering next to a muddy creek sheltered by a burned out tree.

The rescuers gave the once elusive stray the fitting name of “Hero.” Miller explains, “He led us there. He took us to the puppies. That is exactly what he was trying to do.”

Once the puppies are old enough to leave their mom, the rescuers are happy to find homes for them.

Awesome job Hero!